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Well, what can I say? I'm pretty much awesome

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Sick sesh

Finally, out of all the days that are considered my "break", I finally dedicate a whole day to skate.
Well, the first part of my day was saying bye to Ash, but after she left, BOOM! Skateboarding was my
new love. (If you read this Ash, I still love you, please don't be mad) 

So, I meet up with the crew:
David (stoessol....I call him stencil)
and we chill at the mall for a while, actually to eat, then headed over to Flip Tricks. After sales were made, we decided that WPB was the first location in our adventure.

White tops was the place to rendezvous. Bangers went down.

Next spot on the list was bridge banks, which now has a box in the middle to make the spot more "fun". Bangers went down there too.

Burger King Break

Third spot of today...Coniston Three Block. Yay! Everyone was throwing down stuff. Some landed, some stuck, some broke their boards, and some even broke themselves. But needless to say, bangers definately were thrown (so of the were so called "lucky")

After that, David, Randy, Chase, Ralph, Troy, and Harrison all wanted to go. Chris and I still wanted to skate, but we didn't know where, or with who. Nothing a quick phone call from Johnny couldn't cure. Johnny picks us up, goes to his house to change from his work clothes, then we head over to the new West Boynton Skatepark. We wanted to skate the flatbar there.

We arrive at the park, and notice that some kids were already skating in the other rink. We join in their sesh, have a little game of skate (whose winner will only be revealed if you ask me) It was me
Our skate sesh was so done after the lights decided to go out. Sick. So we are about to go into the skatepark, when Ralph, Troy, and Harrison pull up. Yay. We all hop the fence and have a nice fun skate time skating the two flatbars, and a rainbow rail that I'm sure is really
meant for snowboarding.

Just then, a car pulls up, a man comes out with a flashlight, and we all try to run. There is only one exit(actually, one fence to easily hop over, the others are a little harder), so we were pretty stuck. The guy was a cop and told everyone to get out. We walk over to our cars, stand in front of the cop, he's acting all buff and tuff, he thinks we may have drugs somewhere, asks for our IDs, we give them to him (except for me and Troy since we "forgot" ours...in our bags...in the cars), then he realizes that all we were doing were just skating, but we tresspassed. He then gets all "I remember when..." since he use to skate way back when. Of course he use to skate. EVERY COP USE TO SKATE! Another cop comes over, I guess for backup or something, and they start talking about all these skate crimes they've seen. One cop recalls an event where two skate punks actually made a quarter pipe out of cement on some wall. After the cops leave, Chris starts laughing and tells us that it was him and his friend, both wasted at the time, that built the quarter pipe. Wow...

So Chris goes home, and the rest of us go back to Flip Tricks to hang out in front (since it was closed anyways). We just chat about different things, mainly about cameras, how stuff looks, how stuff is done, and the cost of stuff. I was hungry, and Ralph says that his "lady" (apparantly he gets hooked up by her) was working at the Denny's right next to us. So we go there and get some stuff to eat. We talk, eat, joke around, eat, Troy shows us what VX PAL looks like with some sick video, eat. Then get the bill, notice that half of it was free, give a big tip to her, then leave. Stand outside, talk, Ralph is skating, the rest of us just talk more about things, then we leave for our homes.

I wish I didn't have to work so I can have more days just like today. If I seriously didn't need money, I would quit right now. In fact, I don't really need money. Hmmmm.....

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Thanks mom

for these amazing lights. Seriously, I'm not joking around here. Two tungsten lights setup, complete
with the umbrellas, tripods, and pretty much everything else.

I'm so stoked about this. All I need is a cool backdrop or something. And a new light bulb since one
of mine already blew out. Whatever.

Here's a sample:           I desperately need models


This is what happens when your mind takes control of your body:

"Christmas present, past and future just came to visit me. They all said they liked what the saw. Unfortunately, future still shows me my death and I pleaded for mercy. He laughed and said he was joshing me, and that I would live forever because I am in fact so amazing, life has no reason to leave me.

"Wow" I said as I opened my eyes to the morning sun. I jumped to open my window, hoping it would still be Christmas day. I saw a young boy walking the street. I yelled, got his attention and

shot him. For the true meaning of Christmas isn't about getting what you want in the morning. No. It is about the birth of our saviour, Jesus Christ. And everyone should be rejoicing for Him.

Why did I shoot that little boy? Psshhh...why not?

Besides, he pissed me off earlier."


Monday, December 25, 2006

For all the cool people


Sunday, December 24, 2006

She's coming over to get her present

I really hope she likes IT

I spent a bunch of money on IT

She better love IT

Or else, death will be part of IT


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               I'm dumb...           

Friday, December 22, 2006

Nothing really happened today

So this will be short.

Hung out with Ash for a little bit. Yay! Watched Oprah and Phil.

Work. Busy. REAL BUSY. Free food though. For everyone. Then, died out. Most exciting thing after that was hearing a drunk woman claim that she had just gotten raped right outside by two men. Yeah, pretty scary, right? Well, its dumb. Reason why is because she was here earlier, which is how she got drunk, and the two "rapists" were the guys everyone saw she left with. Plus, about an hour after her statement, she left with some other guy.

Now I sleep and wake up to do something else.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Rock to Fakie on Lock

That pretty much sums up today right there.

But for all that need it, here's my day:

1st thing I did was get up. I really wanted to skate and shred, so Josh was the one to call. I call and he
has plans with some dumb woman (aka "Mom"). Pssshhhh...dumb.

So I decide to tag along their date for the movies. Rocky Bal-"snake" was pretty good. I mean, I knew it was going to be an artistic sort of conclusion to all the Rocky
movies, but I still expected a pretty happy ending. Not that it wasn't, but I don't want to spoil it for

After that, the skate sesh was so on. Unfortunately, the day sesh was not on. Night was creeping in and
Josh and I knew that WPB was a no-go. Plus, dummy (Josh) needed a board since he has a break-board fetish.

Now where can we get a board and still skate? Why SkatesUSA of course! Mini-ramp seshs are sick. Especially when friends come in to join in. And when you learn new tricks.

Now I'm home, hoping someone (Ashley or maybe Troy) can hang out tonight. Hmmmm...hopefully.

Spontaneous ideas require spontaneous action


Thanks Ralph

For doing what you always do. Sleeping. Complaining. Slacking. Being Pissed Off. Blaming Everyone
Else in the World. 4PM. Of course it's going to be dark soon. THAT'S WHEN YOU FREAKIN' WOKE UP!

But on a positive note, my car is fixed! Turns out it wasn't the head gasket thing or whatever. It was the heating core of my car eating away all of my coolant. That's sick. A $1000 job to replace that piece of crap. Why am I happy then? Because I didn't replace that dumb thing. Instead, my good friend's dad told me of a way to bypass that junk. And it would only cost $100. Siiiiiiiiick. The mechanic sure was happy to hear this new plan (actually, he knew the plan, but didn't want to tell me). However, the $100 miracle has a set back. I don't have any type of heater. Which is a bummer because I live in Florida...right?

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Straight from the Horse's Mouth



Monday, December 18, 2006

My car sucks

And I hate the fact that now I'm getting rides from people I use to give rides to. Thinking that irony
may have something to do with this. I hate that guy... 


So, today was pretty fun. Went to the MIA and did some skateboarding and whatnot. Well, actually,
first we went to Riverwalk to get some hammers, but with our luck, a cop came by with his own hammer. He kicked us out for all you slow people.

Next stop was the MIA. And what better warm-up spot is there than "Kinked Ledge"? Or for all the people that may call it something else, maybe "Northwestern" or "The Ledge that Mark Appleyard fell on because of Fred's gay outfit" or even "Bam Margera's Awesome CROOK!!" Ledge. That ring a bell to anyone? Well, some kids got some clips. While I got some photos. Which reminds me...


Alright, phew, that's over with. Next stop was the awesome Bayside. Now every time I've been here, the max time to skate is about 5 minutes before Mr.Idiot in golfcart decides to show up and kick us out. But not this time, we actually we able to skate for a good (I'd say) half an hour. Sick. No hammers, but legit tricks, went down.

:Lunch break:

Now where else could we possibly go while in Miami? Hmmmm...maybe everyone's favorite spot? MIA TOPS!!! (Or Abondoned Hotel, or whatever else you call it)

Hammers definately thrown down, and even more tricks that made Ralphie boy happy that he skates now. Photos...again...dumb.

Now some of us kids were wishing a rail of some sort would be right next to us to be able to skate it. Well, as we were getting drinks at a local CVS, our wish came true. Just kidding, we actually knew about "CVS rail" (or whatever the F you want it called). But we really needed drinks. No hammers (well, I don't think they would be considered that) went down, but some tricks were in the making.

So now we are on our way back home. yay....

Most kids just stop here and spend the rest of the night thinking about how the day went by or whatever. Well, not these cool kids! We decide to hit up one more spot. "Pebble Banks" (I hate anyone calling it something else) is the name, and mini-ramp tricks is its game. Seriously, I can see freakin' Song killing this dumb spot. I, however, can not see myself back 5-0 stall this since my lack of foot cordination. Awesome...

Well, that was my day in the MIA. What can I say? Unfortunately, to your dismay, I must say Good Day. Peace.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

I'm an idiot

My b for not posting in like what? Forever? Well, here I am again.

Lots of stuff happened. Finals are over, which may be the reason why I have enough time to write in
this dumb thing. Christmas is coming up and everyone is trying to get into the spirit. It's a good thing
to because Florida forgot what month we are in and decided to rain is best in December.

I only hope it snows in April then. 

Friday, October 27, 2006

I dislike work very much

Alright, tonight was just "amazing" (haha). It wasn't busy at all, people got yelled at, maybe people fired, found out who new big boss would be, and I closed. I hate working there soooooo much its not even hilarious. Seriously, I may be looking for a new job real soon. Somewhere I know I'll be happier. The money may not be as good but whatever. I'll live....maybe.

But as for now, go here and watch this video. It's amazing. And just in time for the holidays.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


I have a speech pretty much due tomorrow. I'm also a lazy, procrastinator. So this speech is definitely worth the F. Yea...can't wait.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Alright, so I guess "amazing" is amazing

Ummmm...I guess this is going to sound silly. But, this day wasn't as bad as I was going to make it sound like. Turns out our homework for my first class was half due. She wanted us to look at it and then do it for homework today, due Thursday. What a nice lady.

Psychology was pretty good too, considering I got my papers in and I made an A on the test. I'm not bragging, but...I'm pretty much awesome.

So...now all that is left is my math class (Differential Equations for all of you thinking I'm dumb). Yea, I'll write after.

We all speak the same, but mean differently

Alright, so today has been a very "amazing" day. Why "amazing"? Well, let's start with this morning, 1 AM (that's morning to me).

So I'm working on my articles for psychology, I'm finally done typing up all four of them (which have three pages each) and click print. My printer decides it would be such a cool guy and run out of ink. Awesome...

I then realize I still haven't studied for the psychology test tomorrow either. Sick. I decide to cram alot of what the test is going to be on tomorrow into my head and after "studying" I look back at my first page of notes, and NOTHING LOOKS FAMILIAR! So what do you do? Give up...

Now I go to sleep hoping the rest of the day goes smoothlier...more smooth?...better

I wake up and get ready. Everyone is telling me that I am going to freeze solid since its 60 degrees outside. What girls. I burn my papers onto a CD-R, drive to school, and suddenly remember that I forgot my "main" notebook (the one that carries a lot of my stuff from each of my classes) and my homework for my first class. And right now, I'm in that class waiting for the teacher to come and kill me. What an "amazing" day so far.


Monday, October 23, 2006

Oh sweet...

I can't believe I was talked into making one of these things. I guess its a good thing though. I mean, I can't say I'm the non-laziest person, and I can't say I will be posting something every minute of the day, but I will say that this will be where I will write what I find interesting and what-not. I think I will use this blog as a little journal of my journey down the path of life (my older self must be chuckling as he is reading this, and now he is thinking how weird it was to mention him, and now you are thinkng that to). So, let this be the first step in this adventure. I can't wait...

Welcome to my blog everyone!