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Well, what can I say? I'm pretty much awesome

Monday, March 12, 2007

I need for this month and next month to be over with

Okay, I've decided that I am not dropping my dump physics 2 class. I thought it would be easier to take in UCF with an easier to understand professor, and maybe with Troy. But, I just got my last test (that I completely bombed. Seriously, I had no idea what I was doing. All I did was put some stuff down that looked right) and I got a 72 C. So, I was thinking, this class right here, with this professor, is the easiest physics 2 there is. Physics 2 is meant to be hard. So, I'm pretty much screwed with this class.

Plus, the lab right now is so easy, I'm glad I'm taking it. I'm sure the lab at UCF would have been much harder and more complicated. But anyways, once April is over, I'll finally be free.

All this talk of UCF makes you wonder if I even got accepted, huh?

well...I DID!

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