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Well, what can I say? I'm pretty much awesome

Monday, May 07, 2007

One problem ends, so another begins...

Everything was perfect up until now
well, not everything
there was a bump in my road
but i thought i had overcome it
when in actuallity
it casued a major leak in my fuel tank
causing me to eventually fall into
what the bump has left me with.

It just hit me
and it hurts
i never knew or imagined
this would really happen
i mean, i knew it was there
i ignored it (my choice)
and it just snuck up on me
and killed me
(or at least killing me slowly).

There is nothing I can do now
to stop this pain
i am a man who has chosen not
to show or tell emotions
so i plan on living the same.

But when those doors close
and no public eye can see
through them
i will be laying there
thinking of that bump
and what could've been.

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